Tuesday, November 19, 2013

What I Wish For You

Dear Son,
    I wish you to follow your dreams where ever they take you. I wish for you to find love in whoever deserves you. I wish for you to feel loved by us, your parents, every day of your life. I wish for you to grow up strong and healthy. I wish for you to discover the world and the many wonders that lay beyond it. I wish for you to laugh and cry and embrace your emotions. I wish for you to explore if that is what you desire. I wish for you to have confidence and trust your abilities to succeed in all that you choose to do. I wish for your imagination to ways be active and flowing. I wish for you to enjoy the simple things in life, to stop and smell the roses. I wish for you to learn many things and follow whatever is your passion. I wish for you to try at least once before you decide you don't like it. I wish for you an open mind and tolerance for others. I wish for you a kind heart wih compassion for your furry friends, all the creatures great and small. I wish for you appreciation for life, whether wealthy or in poverty, I wish for you to never look down on someone because of their standing. I wish for you an even temper and control to conquer your anger. I wish for you the wisdom to outsmart those who look to hurt you. I wish for you to see the beauty in the sky. I wish for you to not only question but to learn things for yourself, not to blindly follow. I wish for you a love for your family and loyalty. I wish for all the things I feel you should be and know and have. I wish for you to have the parents to guide you in your life. I wish for us, your parents, to be that guiding and loving light in your life. I wish for you to be you, my first born son.

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