Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Cooking with a toddler 101

Cooking with my son around is always interesting! Sometimes he is perfectly content to play in the kitchen while I cook- but MOST of the time he cries and grabs my apron and demands to be "up where the action is" so I do most of my cooking one handed with my baby on my hip watching me intently and laughing when I turn the mixer on. Today I made us pancakes for breakfast, and my breakfast I mean lunch haha. I make all my food from scratch for him, and things like pancakes ALWAYS are made from scratch. I can't stand the "fake" ones lol. I can taste those a mile away! Yuckers. He enjoyed his pancakes, and when he was done eating them he smashed them into oblivion and then cried when I cleaned his hands because he thought he should go through the day with banana pancake sticky fingers. He only tried to get into my cooking once while we were cooking together, and that was when I was separating the eggs. He decided he needed to poke his finger into he egg yolk and when his finger "popped" through into it he found that VERY fascinating and had to repeat it with the other two eggs! He loves to help me in the kitchen. So we had a fun afternoon of making pancakes and then eati them :) I love my little buddy. Today is a great day!

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