Friday, November 8, 2013

Please! No more toys!

I don't know why everyone seems to think that getting toys for babies for every holiday is a good thing! Uhhhh it's not! My son has sooo many toys I don't know what to do with them all, and he really only plays with a select few. But man, people sure love to give toys as gifts. I'm trying to figure out how to tell people to PLEASE not give toys for Christmas this year, clothes, snacks, hats, shoes, baby store gift cards would be much more appropriate and wanted than the other stuff. Especially BIG toys that take up room and never get played with. Well meaning is nice- but when you don't listen to my suggestions please include a gift receipt! I know I can't be the only mom out there that feels this way. He has mountains of toys, but could totally use more clothes! He has nothing that will fit for the summer or even more winter clothes would be fine. He can always use socks and even diapers! Diapers are a great gift! One that I don't think should ONLY be reserved for baby showers. First birthdays are good, Christmas, anytime really! I wish! Stinking toys...grrrrrr

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