Sunday, November 3, 2013

Here I am, with a one year old!

My son turned one just a few weeks ago, it's hard for me to believe it has been over a year since he has been born! How time flys, it's truly shocking! He's doing great and is the sweetest little boy. He is everything I always pictured for my first born ( except the boy part, I always thought I would have a Girl first until I got pregnant- then I woke up one day and knew I was having a boy lol) he has the blue eyes and blonde hair I always imagined! And he is so handsome, he really is a nice looking kid :). This past year has been full of surprises and learning experiences for sure! I can't tell you how many times I got peed on or had to fish odd items of of my child's mouth that he just "had to eat". Today I fished more cat food out of his mouth ( yucky ) and he wasn't too happy about that. But I didn't want to see catfood pooped out on his diaper like I saw a few days ago! No thanks! Not to mention what goes into the catfood- not stuff I want my child ingesting that's for sure! I mean I don't even let him have processessed foods...( yes I AM one of "those moms" ) oddly enough though, the catfood WAS whole so I guess his little tummy had problems digesting it anyways ( cringe ). I should have started this blog awhile ago...and I've been meaning to... But somehow life just kept getting in the way and not to mention I have a rather demanding baby lol. But I'm starting it now so yay! I hope to fill it with lots of mommy thoughts and baby thoughts and stuff I believe in or feel strongly about :) well, that was a good first post.

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