Sunday, November 3, 2013

My thoughts about showering :)

My son is very interested in everything we do now. He wants to be held while we are washing dishes, cooking, eating or anything involving us doing tasks above his head lol. He will cry at mine or my husbands legs and put his arms up and open and shut his hands until one of us picks hi up. Then he's happy as a clam! He never tries to get into what we are doing- he is perfectly content to watch so I guess that's lucky! I think it's sweet how interested he is in everyday tasks- hopefully that means he will want to help when he is older! :)

We took a shower today-together of course because if I dare try to shower alone he will jerk the curtain open and try to climb in fully clothed. So I bypass the wet baby in clothes and diaper scenario and just take him in there with me. He loves it and plays with the drain or his boats and cups. I have to say I'm not the type of parent to hide my body from my kids. I think it's important and healthy for them to see a naked body and not be ashamed of it. I would say I am a rather uninhibited parent type- an so it my husband! I know many might find that strange, but for us it's normal.

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