Thursday, May 29, 2014

Grandmas don't get to pick their names LMAO

Granny is what my mother always said she wanted to be called when we (her kids) had babies. Well, we do call her that. My toddler is does not. He called her "Moo" which is HILARIOUS. I'm not sure WHY he calls her that, I have a theory that it means "More Fun" with Granny so he says "Mooo!!" for her. It is really adorable but really, really, REALLY funny. I ask him if he wants to "go see Granny Moo" and he nods and gets his shoes and hat & two toys (he's only allowed 2 things to take with him) ready to go. Anyone else out there have a similar situation happen? What are some cute names your babies call their Grandparents? Leave the answers in the comments!! Have a good day!

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