Thursday, May 29, 2014

DIY Child Safety Harness

So, I am PRO Child Safety Harness. I am planning on making my own, because frankly, the ones you can buy online aren't that great (or cute unless you want to spend a bundle). I am going to make one similar to the one pictured here, but I have yet to find DIY patterns/instructions that are any good. When I make mine (in the next week) I will update this post with photos and my own instructions!! (Yaaaay!!) Anyways, why do I think Safety Harnesses are a good thing? I know there are a lot of people out there who think they are "evil" and "inhumane" but I think they are a good thing when used PROPERLY. That means don't drag your kid around with one, don't jerk them around with it, ect. I am going to use one because I feel that my 19 month old doesn't have the reasoning skills to a) not run out in front of cars b) get lost in a big area if they bolted in a zoo/mall ect. I also don't like strapping my child into a stroller all the time (he hates being worn in a carrier...always has) because he likes to walk and explore and I would LOVE to let him do that while I have peace of mind that he can't get away from me. I view Safety Harnesses as a TOOL for keeping my child safe. I am by no means a "couch" parent (or maybe "bench" is more appropriate since benches are outside?? LOL) so I'm already RIGHT THERE with my child. I have taught him to always "hold hands" when we are walking but there's always a chance he could break away. I say, better safe than sorry. So, don't feel ashamed if you use one, and don't feel all uppity if you don't. We are all moms here with safety first (I hope) in mind when it comes to our kids, no matter how we go about it.

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