Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Going Back to Work & Starting College with a Toddler!

Recently I have started college again & I also have acquired a part time job. I don't want to work, but for right now, it is what is needed. My son is doing great with me working & taking classes. I was really worried about being away from him, after all, I spent 15 months hardly away from his side! I think it might be harder for me than him, since he gets lots of Granny, Auntie, Daddy, and Grandpa time now. He enjoys it I think. I am secretly glad that he is ALWAYS ready for MOMMY time when I get home. He really is a mommy's boy and I am not ashamed to say I covet that! Working is hard, I got so used to being a SAHM (stay at home mom) that returning to work takes a toll on me mentally. I feel like I have two jobs now! I have my full time mommy job and then my part time waitress job. Ironically both jobs involve taking care of people. Gosh. I can't complain too much though, the wages I am making are helping us out and I know this is the right decision for right now. I am also excited for continuing my education and I SHOULD be an RN in about 3 1/2 years...FINGERS CROSSED! That will be GREAT also, since that is a good paying job for where I am. Its all for my family! You have to make sacrifices for your family and I am glad I was able to stay home for the first year of my son's life and then some. I never missed out on anything and I am very thankful for that. I saw every milestone <3

Monday, February 17, 2014

Cheddar Buttons with Pictures & Recipe!!

Recently I took on the task of making my toddler some healthy snacks. I was tired of spending so much money on cheese snacks that I was a little leery of to begin with. SO! I found a super simple and yummy recipe for Cheddar Buttons (or goldfish, I like the buttons because I didn't have a goldfish cookie cutter HA!). It was easy peasy and yielded great results! Though, I will tell you, I burned my last batch because my husband came home and I forgot they were in the oven! Oops!! Haha.

I don't have a food processor so I do it the old fashioned way :)

This is the cheddar dough!

After I rolled it out I used a tip to an icing decorator to make the circles aka "buttons".

All nicely laid out on wax paper ready for the oven!

Cooked to perfection! I was very proud of myself! 

Here is the recipe for any who are interested!! The great thing about this is that the recipe can EASILY be added or changed in MANY different ways! I added broccoli and brussel sprouts to some of the dough (you will need to add a little more flour since the veg is watery!). You could also use any number of cheeses, I used Mild Cheddar, but I think Swiss or Monterey Jack would be interesting! I want to try those next! 

Cheddar Buttons 

8 ounces Cheddar Cheese, Fine Shredded 4 Tablespoons Butter, Cut Into Cubes Softened 1 cup Flour ¾ teaspoons Salt 2 Tablespoons Cold Water

Pulse everything (except water) together in the food processor until the dough resembles coarse sand. Pulse in water, 1 tablespoon at a time. Remove dough from the processor, wrap in plastic, and chill for 20 minutes. Roll out the dough and cut into desired shapes. You can use a toothpick to make the eyes and smile if desired. Place on a parchment paper lined cookie sheet. Bake at 350 degrees F for about 15 minutes, or until crispy. Makes approximately 7 dozen crackers
