Sunday, December 15, 2013

Our Christmas Tree

When I first envisioned our first Christmas with a toddler it was full of fun decorating days, a beautiful shining tree perfectly decorated, wrapped presents under the tree... Yeah freaking right! It's more like half decorated tree ( decorated from the point he can't reach up) plastic ornaments, shredded paper under the tree, crabbing and destruction of the topper bow... Weeee! We also have a screaming Santa photo to commemorate the season. Oh and a garland strung throughout the house. I have decided NOT to put the presents under the tree until the night before Xmas, I feel like they will be destroyed if they are out under before hand. Last year he was only a couple months old so his "first" Christmas was easy. Goodness how toddlers can make a mess! He he's ahold of forbidden objects SO fast, it's amazing! He also decided that all the jingle bell ornaments we got for the tree are HIS and do not belong on the tree. He helpfully ripped all the ribbon ties off of them to prove his point. Ha. Baby 1, mommy 0!

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