Wednesday, February 4, 2015


Month 8.

No beginning Oct baby. My period showed up at 28 days on the dot. Maybe the vitex IS regulating my period, that's a little glimmer of hope, right? I'm trying to be positive. It came a week early. So, that DOES mean that if we were to conceive this month, I would still get to squeak in at the end of October with my DD. October 28th...which means my #2 would probably be an early November baby. I doubt he/she would be early! Which is fine. I just want a healthy, sweet baby. Waiting is hard. Trying and not catching the egg is hard. This TTC business is HARD. I'm trying SO hard to keep my head up, smile, be happy. I'm trying NOT to take my frustrations out on anyone. I can only hope I am succeeding. I hope.

Warning *TMI* coming up!!!

My writing has taken a nosedive. I got food poisoning the second week of January. That had me puking for a day, and then running to the bathroom with horrible diarrhea for the next 7 days. IT SUCKED BAD. It was SO HORRIBLE. I hope I never get food poisoning again, it was the worst week ever.  My hemorrhoid that Stinkbug gave to me was NOT HAPPY. My intestine issues pissed it off and it took its anger out on my. I was SO CLOSE to buying some Prep H, but I was too embarrassed haha.

So, yeah, writing, at a total standstill. Sucks. I have NO inspiration, like, AT ALL. Pisses me off. I want to finish my book. Even if it might suck. BUT HEY! Once I get it done, I am going to let it "sit" for a little while, then go back and read it and edit it and make some changes. I know not all of it is SOLID, but man, I really think quiet a bit of it is.

Stinkbug has been really learning lately. He's taken it upon himself to learn some letters!!! He knows O, Q, S, X, T, B, W!!! He is SO smart its crazy! He LOVES puzzles and can put a 12 piece puzzle together BY HIMSELF! He started with a tractor/farm one, and I recently got him a new one with animals driving vehicles. He put it together by himself after one run through with me. Its amazing and scary at the same time! I really try hard to keep his environment as enriched as I can for maximum learning, but what if I am not giving him challenging enough things? I worry! I guess I can only do the best I can though. I got him a new drawing pad and some new books, he is REALLY into all that still. My little book worm!!!

New words he's saying, worm, school bus, police car, taxi., train (then he says choochoo haha), catfish, bad cat (ahahaha), and he's adding "Mine/My" in front of things, like "Mine boo, mine car, mine bus" LOL cracks me up. He also says "tractors"! He really loves tractors right now, its really cute. Oh I love my sweet little Stinkbug!! We also had a successful PEE IN THE POTTY!!!! He did it ALL BY HIMSELF! He didn't want me in there either haha, not until he had peed, then of course he wanted me to see it. LMAO! I was very proud of him and can't wait for warmer weather so we can run around bottomless more and get him potty trained better. I really think he is almost ready! That makes me excited. My little man is growing up. A bittersweet feeling for sure! I love seeing all the new things he does, but I also miss him as a baby!!

Still no snow, so far this winter is sucking for snow. All it can produce is cold ass wind and a soggy ground. Grrrr. I bought Stinkbug a SNOW SUIT! He needs to wear it dammit lol. That shit was $26 bucks for JUST the bibs! He's gonna be out of 2T before it even snows. *sigh* At least I can start shopping for summer/spring clothing! I LOVE SHOPPING FOR CLOTHES! I already got him new aviators lol. Those sunglasses are TOO STINKING CUTE! He always gets compliments on them. lol

Welp, thats all for now!

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